About the Family

What started as 2 kids from Tuttle has turned into a not so perfect, sometimes messy, but usually full of laughter little family. After marriage we added a perfect a little basset hound, and an even better little baby girl. We love our real life!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Littlest Chow Hound

Maggie had her first bowl of cereal at about 3 1/2 months.  Originally her Dr. said we should wait until the four month mark, but the little chub was eating 9 1/2 oz at her last feeding of the night so we called and got the green light from his nurse.  It  was her first time in her high chair.  She was obviously a little confused.  

" Hmm... what is that coming at my mouth?"
 "I'm not sure about this dada..."

 The next day there were still a few questions.  These questions were mainly along the lines of "Do I have something on my face?  It feels sticky.  I think I like sticky."

She eventually decided that she needed more control, so I let practice with the spoon.  

 "Hmmm... where do i put this?"
"I know!"
"Nope, no satisfaction there."

"Maybe this is it."

"Yep, this feels good."
"Crap, now what do I do?"  Maggie - don't say crap. 

"Sorry Momma. Hey there's my foot"
"Oh wait, the spoon. Hey maybe I can play with both."
"Muffins! Spoon, what spoon?"

"Ok Dada... I've been practicing with my spoon so you let me take care of this.  We will get more in my mouth and less on my face."

 "Momma did I do good?"

Yes Magpie, you did really good. 

We gave her veggie's next - starting with green beans.  Again, she thought things would go smoother if she helped.

 "Hmmm... not sure about these green beans you guys."
 "Wait a minute..."
"I like green beans!  Yummy in my tummy!"

 "I've seen Momma lick the top of pudding cups, if I can just get a hold of this wrapper, I can lick it and get even more yum in my tum."

And such is the story of the littlest chow hound.